St George & Sutherland Shire Leader

Demystifying car insurance for young drivers with ROLLiN' Insurance

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As a young person juggling university, work and keeping up with the latest social media trends, it can feel impossible to do the necessary research to even understand car insurance, let alone find a good deal on it.

This is exactly the issue brands like ROLLiN' Insurance were created to solve. They seek to demystify car insurance and make it as straightforward as possible to understand.

In this article, we'll help you navigate some of the key issues surrounding car insurance for young drivers.

Legal requirements for car insurance in Australia

Firstly, it's important to understand car insurance's place as a legal requirement. Throughout Australia, you must have Compulsory Third Party (CTP) Insurance, also known as a "Green Slip".

This insurance protects drivers from liability if they were to cause the injury or death of a third-party in a motor accident. In most states, CTP is included in vehicle registration. In NSW, you must have a CTP policy in place before registering your vehicle.

Generally, this is the only form of insurance that is legally required to drive on Australian roads. Of course, it's very sensible to have other insurance policies in place.

Comprehensive car insurance can help cover damage to other vehicles and property, as well as damage to your own vehicle. It is naturally a very common and popular form of car insurance.

Young driver's insurance in a cost of living crisis

With sky-high levels of inflation, consumers are being forced to take a long, hard look at their budgets. Research has even found that more than one in two Australian drivers are facing hikes in their car insurance costs.

These circumstances mean car insurance might simply be too expensive for young people. The bitter irony is that driving around without comprehensive car insurance might very well lead young people to even deeper financial issues.

ROLLiN' Insurance: Rolling with young drivers

With all the confusion surrounding car insurance, plus the costs felt harshly by young people, it's clear that new drivers need all the help they can get when it comes to car insurance.

Enter ROLLiN' Insurance. This brand sets out to make comprehensive car insurance approachable and affordable.

Firstly, ROLLiN' does not charge drivers additional excess just because of their age*.

ROLLiN' even allows business use customers to score up to a 15% monthly discount on their base premium for being a safer driver. Using the ROLLiN' app to track safer driver behaviours, a Policy Score upwards of 85 from the 3rd consecutive monthly policy^ would mean a discount on your base premium.

The brand is also known for offering a single, comprehensive insurance policy, which can help to simplify things for younger drivers.

Common driver's insurance pitfalls

Let's take a look at some common issues which arise when seeking car insurance, and how brands like ROLLiN' Insurance is helping to combat them.

Costs and fees

With the cost of living pinch, insurance might be one area customers may be looking to save on - especially young people.

ROLLiN' Insurance combats this with its one-policy framework for either personal or business use. Excess is also charged in a simple way, with $800 for listed drivers and $3,000 for unlisted drivers on a personal use policy.

ROLLiN's Product Disclosure Statement is also written in the plainest English possible, to help make it easier for customers to understand what they're getting into.

Adding additional drivers

Adding additional drivers to a car insurance policy is often necessary, particularly for young people. Living circumstances can change, and different people may start using your vehicle.

With ROLLiN', customers can have as many as 10 cars and 10 drivers listed on the one policy, as long as they fit their underwriting criteria. From break-ups to the housemate shuffle, having a level of flexibility baked into your car insurance policy can be handy for young people.

Taking care of business

Drivers who begin using a vehicle for business are often plunged into a whole new world of insurance. Business use policies can be entirely distinct from personal use policies, requiring a new round of research to take place.

ROLLiN' offers one comprehensive car insurance policy, that can be taken out for either business or personal use.

Business use drivers can also access the Safe 'n Save feature and record their driving behaviour through the ROLLiN' app.

If certain safe habits around speeding, braking, phone usage and other areas are detected, business use drivers can be eligible for a discount of up to 15% on their base premium with Policy Scores upwards of 85 from the 3rd consecutive monthly policy onwards^.

Costs associated with cancellation

Brands like ROLLiN' make it simple for you to cancel your policy at any time. You'll also get refunded the portion of your premium, which covers the remaining period of insurance.

This can help customers feel more secure making an initial purchase with the brand, as there is no cancellation fee if you have to bounce.

While the cost of living crisis has had a profound impact on young people, there are plenty of brands in different areas looking to make things easier.

*Other excesses apply.

^Minimum premiums may apply. Underwriting criteria, T&Cs apply. Refer to the Premium, Excess & Discounts Guide at for more information.

#Only certain policy details can be changed, and some changes are subject to underwriting and acceptance criteria.

Underwriting criteria apply. This is general advice only and does not take into account your individual objectives, financial situation or needs ("your personal circumstances"). Before using this advice to decide whether to purchase a product, you should consider your personal circumstances and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement and Target Market Determinations available from Insurance issued by Insurance Australia Limited ABN 11 000 016 722 AFSL 227681 trading as Rollin' Insurance.